Friday 28 December 2012

Hard Men of Wrestling 2

Hard men of the ring...Dave Taylor, Dave Finlay, John Quinn, Kendo Nagasaki & Skull Murphy. These guys were at their prime a generation ago and were all very much to be classed as the "Hard Men" of the ring. These guys could really wrestle. They might not have been able to do some of the modern "wrestling" moves - or acrobatics to give it another name. But if I needed someone at my side in a street fight, then any of these guys would have been at the very top of my wanted list. In fact on a few occasions I was privileged to be shoulder to shoulder with some of these guys when the going got really tough!On one occasion I recall Nagasaki and I having to literally fight our way every foot back to the dressing rooms at The Wirrina Stadium in Peterborough in 1987, after a hot finish to a match with Wayne Bridges and Bobby Barnes! (Yes Bobby partnering Wayne, and there's a story in that as well....) Mighty Quinn and I did something similar at a venue in Dumfries, Scotland in 1988...That's when wrestlers could wrestle.....!

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